= Document Title: Subtitle Gildong Hong <email1@bwg.com> :description: The document's description. include::../attributes/common_attrs.adoc[] include::../attributes/dir_attrs.adoc[] [abstract] .문서개요 -- This document has a header that specifies the {doctitle}. This document is about the default format of a document. -- == Source ==== = Document Title: Subtitle Gildong Hong <email1@bwg.com> :description: The document's description. pass:[include::../attributes/common_attrs.adoc[]] pass:[include::../attributes/dir_attrs.adoc[]] pass:[[abstract]] .문서개요 pass:[--] pass:[This document has a header that specifies the {doctitle}.] This document is about the default format of a document. pass:[--] ====