build-preview-pages.js 5.35 KB
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'use strict'

const Asciidoctor = require('@asciidoctor/core')()
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const handlebars = require('handlebars')
const merge = require('merge-stream')
const ospath = require('path')
const path = ospath.posix
const requireFromString = require('require-from-string')
const { Transform } = require('stream')
const map = (transform = () => {}, flush = undefined) => new Transform({ objectMode: true, transform, flush })
const vfs = require('vinyl-fs')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')

const ASCIIDOC_ATTRIBUTES = { experimental: '', icons: 'font', sectanchors: '', 'source-highlighter': 'highlight.js' }

module.exports = (src, previewSrc, previewDest, sink = () => map()) => (done) =>
      merge(compileLayouts(src), registerPartials(src), registerHelpers(src), copyImages(previewSrc, previewDest))
    .then(([baseUiModel, { layouts }]) => {
      const extensions = ((baseUiModel.asciidoc || {}).extensions || []).map((request) => {
        ASCIIDOC_ATTRIBUTES[request.replace(/^@|\.js$/, '').replace(/[/]/g, '-') + '-loaded'] = ''
        const extension = require(request)
        return extension
      const asciidoc = { extensions }
      for (const component of {
        for (const version of component.versions || []) version.asciidoc = asciidoc
      baseUiModel = { ...baseUiModel, env: process.env }
      delete baseUiModel.asciidoc
      return [baseUiModel, layouts]
    .then(([baseUiModel, layouts]) =>
        .src('**/*.adoc', { base: previewSrc, cwd: previewSrc })
          map((file, enc, next) => {
            const siteRootPath = path.relative(ospath.dirname(file.path), ospath.resolve(previewSrc))
            const uiModel = { ...baseUiModel }
   = { }
            uiModel.siteRootPath = siteRootPath
            uiModel.uiRootPath = path.join(siteRootPath, '_')
            if (file.stem === '404') {
     = { layout: '404', title: 'Page Not Found' }
            } else {
              const doc = Asciidoctor.load(file.contents, { safe: 'safe', attributes: ASCIIDOC_ATTRIBUTES })
     = Object.entries(doc.getAttributes())
                .filter(([name, val]) => name.startsWith('page-'))
                .reduce((accum, [name, val]) => {
                  accum[name.slice(5)] = val
                  return accum
                }, {})
     = doc.getAttribute('page-layout', 'default')
     = doc.getDocumentTitle()
     = Buffer.from(doc.convert())
            file.extname = '.html'
            try {
              file.contents = Buffer.from(layouts.get(
              next(null, file)
            } catch (e) {
        .on('error', done)

function loadSampleUiModel (src) {
  return fs.readFile(ospath.join(src, 'ui-model.yml'), 'utf8').then((contents) => yaml.safeLoad(contents))

function registerPartials (src) {
  return vfs.src('partials/*.hbs', { base: src, cwd: src }).pipe(
    map((file, enc, next) => {
      handlebars.registerPartial(file.stem, file.contents.toString())

function registerHelpers (src) {
  handlebars.registerHelper('resolvePage', resolvePage)
  handlebars.registerHelper('resolvePageURL', resolvePageURL)
  return vfs.src('helpers/*.js', { base: src, cwd: src }).pipe(
    map((file, enc, next) => {
      handlebars.registerHelper(file.stem, requireFromString(file.contents.toString()))

function compileLayouts (src) {
  const layouts = new Map()
  return vfs.src('layouts/*.hbs', { base: src, cwd: src }).pipe(
      (file, enc, next) => {
        const srcName = path.join(src, file.relative)
        layouts.set(file.stem, handlebars.compile(file.contents.toString(), { preventIndent: true, srcName }))
      function (done) {
        this.push({ layouts })

function copyImages (src, dest) {
  return vfs
    .src('**/*.{png,svg}', { base: src, cwd: src })
    .pipe(map((file, enc, next) => next()))

function resolvePage (spec, context = {}) {
  if (spec) return { pub: { url: resolvePageURL(spec) } }

function resolvePageURL (spec, context = {}) {
  if (spec) return '/' + (spec = spec.split(':').pop()).slice(0, spec.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.html'

function transformHandlebarsError ({ message, stack }, layout) {
  const m = stack.match(/^ *at Object\.ret \[as (.+?)\]/m)
  const templatePath = `src/${m ? 'partials/' + m[1] : 'layouts/' + layout}.hbs`
  const err = new Error(`${message}${~message.indexOf('\n') ? '\n^ ' : ' '}in UI template ${templatePath}`)
  err.stack = [err.toString()].concat(stack.slice(message.length + 8)).join('\n')
  return err

function toPromise (stream) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject, data = {}) =>
      .on('error', reject)
      .on('data', (chunk) => chunk.constructor === Object && Object.assign(data, chunk))
      .on('finish', () => resolve(data))