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'use strict'

const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer')
const browserify = require('browserify')
const concat = require('gulp-concat')
const cssnano = require('cssnano')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin')
const merge = require('merge-stream')
const ospath = require('path')
const path = ospath.posix
const postcss = require('gulp-postcss')
const postcssCalc = require('postcss-calc')
const postcssImport = require('postcss-import')
const postcssUrl = require('postcss-url')
const postcssVar = require('postcss-custom-properties')
const { Transform } = require('stream')
const map = (transform) => new Transform({ objectMode: true, transform })
const through = () => map((file, enc, next) => next(null, file))
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
const vfs = require('vinyl-fs')

module.exports = (src, dest, preview) => () => {
  const opts = { base: src, cwd: src }
  const sourcemaps = preview || process.env.SOURCEMAPS === 'true'
  const postcssPlugins = [
    (css, { messages, opts: { file } }) =>
          .reduce((accum, { file: depPath, type }) => (type === 'dependency' ? accum.concat(depPath) : accum), [])
          .map((importedPath) => fs.stat(importedPath).then(({ mtime }) => mtime))
      ).then((mtimes) => {
        const newestMtime = mtimes.reduce((max, curr) => (!max || curr > max ? curr : max), file.stat.mtime)
        if (newestMtime > file.stat.mtime) file.stat.mtimeMs = +(file.stat.mtime = newestMtime)
        filter: (asset) => new RegExp('^[~][^/]*(?:font|typeface)[^/]*/.*/files/.+[.](?:ttf|woff2?)$').test(asset.url),
        url: (asset) => {
          const relpath = asset.pathname.slice(1)
          const abspath = require.resolve(relpath)
          const basename = ospath.basename(abspath)
          const destpath = ospath.join(dest, 'font', basename)
          if (!fs.pathExistsSync(destpath)) fs.copySync(abspath, destpath)
          return path.join('..', 'font', basename)
    postcssVar({ preserve: preview }),
    // NOTE to make vars.css available to all top-level stylesheets, use the next line in place of the previous one
    //postcssVar({ importFrom: path.join(src, 'css', 'vars.css'), preserve: preview }),
    preview ? postcssCalc : () => {}, // cssnano already applies postcssCalc
      ? () => {}
      : (css, result) => cssnano({ preset: 'default' })(css, result).then(() => postcssPseudoElementFixer(css, result)),

  return merge(
    vfs.src('ui.yml', { ...opts, allowEmpty: true }),
      .src('js/+([0-9])-*.js', { ...opts, read: false, sourcemaps })
      .pipe(uglify({ output: { comments: /^! / } }))
      // NOTE concat already uses stat from newest combined file
      .src('js/vendor/*([^.])?(.bundle).js', { ...opts, read: false })
      .pipe(uglify({ output: { comments: /^! / } })),
      .src('js/vendor/*.min.js', opts)
      .pipe(map((file, enc, next) => next(null, Object.assign(file, { extname: '' }, { extname: '.js' })))),
    // NOTE use the next line to bundle a JavaScript library that cannot be browserified, like jQuery
    //vfs.src(require.resolve('<package-name-or-require-path>'), opts).pipe(concat('js/vendor/<library-name>.js')),
      .src(['css/site.css', 'css/vendor/*.css'], { ...opts, sourcemaps })
      .pipe(postcss((file) => ({ plugins: postcssPlugins, options: { file } }))),
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    vfs.src('font/*.{ttf,otf,woff*(2)}', opts),
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81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
    vfs.src('img/**/*.{gif,ico,jpg,png,svg}', opts).pipe(
        ? through()
        : imagemin(
              plugins: [
                { cleanupIDs: { preservePrefixes: ['icon-', 'view-'] } },
                { removeViewBox: false },
                { removeDesc: false },
          ].reduce((accum, it) => (it ? accum.concat(it) : accum), [])
    vfs.src('helpers/*.js', opts),
    vfs.src('layouts/*.hbs', opts),
    vfs.src('partials/*.hbs', opts),
    vfs.src('static/**/*[!~]', { ...opts, base: ospath.join(src, 'static'), dot: true })
  ).pipe(vfs.dest(dest, { sourcemaps: sourcemaps && '.' }))

function bundle ({ base: basedir, ext: bundleExt = '.bundle.js' }) {
  return map((file, enc, next) => {
    if (bundleExt && file.relative.endsWith(bundleExt)) {
      const mtimePromises = []
      const bundlePath = file.path
      browserify(file.relative, { basedir, detectGlobals: false })
        .on('file', (bundledPath) => {
          if (bundledPath !== bundlePath) mtimePromises.push(fs.stat(bundledPath).then(({ mtime }) => mtime))
        .bundle((bundleError, bundleBuffer) =>
          Promise.all(mtimePromises).then((mtimes) => {
            const newestMtime = mtimes.reduce((max, curr) => (curr > max ? curr : max), file.stat.mtime)
            if (newestMtime > file.stat.mtime) file.stat.mtimeMs = +(file.stat.mtime = newestMtime)
            if (bundleBuffer !== undefined) file.contents = bundleBuffer
            next(bundleError, Object.assign(file, { path: file.path.slice(0, file.path.length - 10) + '.js' }))
    fs.readFile(file.path, 'UTF-8').then((contents) => {
      next(null, Object.assign(file, { contents: Buffer.from(contents) }))

function postcssPseudoElementFixer (css, result) {
  css.walkRules(/(?:^|[^:]):(?:before|after)/, (rule) => {
    rule.selector = => it.replace(/(^|[^:]):(before|after)$/, '$1::$2')).join(',')