Commit 48462b9d authored by minseok.park's avatar minseok.park

test font build

parent fd4670a1
Pipeline #21751 passed with stages
in 3 minutes and 53 seconds
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module.exports = (src, dest, preview) => () => {
.src(['css/site.css', 'css/vendor/*.css'], { ...opts, sourcemaps })
.pipe(postcss((file) => ({ plugins: postcssPlugins, options: { file } }))),
vfs.src('font/*.{ttf,woff*(2)}', opts),
vfs.src('font/*.{ttf,oft,woff*(2)}', opts),
vfs.src('img/**/*.{gif,ico,jpg,png,svg}', opts).pipe(
? through()
......@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
--body-font-size--print: 0.9375em; /* 15px */
--body-line-height: 1.15;
--body-font-color: var(--color-jet-70);
--body-font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
/* --body-font-family: Noto Sans KR, sans-serif, Arial; */
/* --body-font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif; */
--body-font-family: "Noto Sans KR", sans-serif, arial;
--body-font-weight-bold: 600;
--monospace-font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace;
/* --monospace-font-family: Noto Sans KR, sans-serif, Arial; */
/* --monospace-font-family: "Roboto Mono", monospace; */
--monospace-font-family: "Noto Sans KR", sans-serif, arial;
--monospace-font-weight-bold: 600;
--h-font-weight-bold: 800;
/* border */
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