Commit 57ed53d1 authored by 박민석's avatar 박민석


parent d87009cb
Pipeline #21033 passed with stages
in 4 minutes and 36 seconds
......@@ -5,19 +5,17 @@
<h2 class="title"><a href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">{{page.component.title}}</a></h2>
<button class="version-menu-toggle" title="Show other versions of page">{{#if (or page.componentVersion.version (ne page.componentVersion.displayVersion 'default'))}}v{{page.componentVersion.displayVersion}}{{/if}}</button>
<!-- Version data: {{json site.components.versions}} -->
{{#with site.components.[0]}}
<!-- Version data: {{versions}} -->
<!-- Version data: {{./versions}} -->
{{!-- {{#with site.components.[0]}} --}}
{{#each site.components}}
<div class="version-menu">
{{#each ./versions}}
{{#each this.versions}}
<a class="version
{{!-- {{~#if (eq ./version}} is-current{{/if~}} --}}
{{~#if (and (eq .. (eq this}} is-current{{/if~}}
{{~#if ./missing}} is-missing{{/if}}" href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">v{{./displayVersion}}</a>
{{~#if (eq this ../latest)}} is-latest{{/if}}" href="{{{relativize ./url}}}">v{{this.displayVersion}}</a>
{{!-- {{/with}} --}}
{{!-- {{/with}} --}}
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